Friday, November 17, 2006

Don't Waste The Day!

The following thoughts were found in an antique store several years ago. I thought they offered a lot of advice and I will share them with my readers. I hope you enjoy them! Burton

"Don't Waste It"

"On this day:
Mend a quarrel~
Search out a forgotten friend~
Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust~
Encourage someone who has lost faith~
Keep a promise~
Examine your demands on others and reduce them~
Fight for a principle~
Express your gratitude~
Overcome an old fear~
Take two minutes to appreciate nature~
Tell someone you love them~
Tell them again~
And again~
And again~
"Life is short, and we should make the most of every day."

Please feel free to email me your own thoughts at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great advice! Thanks.