Friday, June 09, 2006

Good Communication Is A Two-Way Street

To say that good communication is a two-way street is a cliche.

I often communicate with representatives from foreign companies with whom we have working relationships. It is a characteristic of different cultures to exhibit different styles of communication. I have found that Asians are more interested in relationships than Americans.

Typically, Asians are more courteous and patient than Americans. Asians focus on relationships first and business second. Americans are just the opposite. Americans are often unnecessarily impolite and impatient to their own disadvantage.

When it comes to architectural design, interior decorating, garden planning or monument and memorialization design, I encourage prospective clients to give us an opportunity to get to know each other. We have a lot of knowledge that we share for free. Too many folks have a strongly held, but uneducated opinions that are incomplete at best, and wrong at worst. If we can establish good communication and mutual respect with prospective clients, we seek to educate as part of our service.

At the outset, please provide us with your name, city, phone and email address, and provide us with as many details as possible, including the place of installation.

Starting off a relationship by asking "how much?" without anything more will not receive the same type of reply as a slower, more open approach to relationship building.

Please don't misunderstand me as we happily serve a wide range of personalities; however, life is short and we want to serve you effectively, efficiently and happily. We take great pride in our relationship building and our workmanship; however, we also care about our clients. Please take the time to be patient, open and sharing and you will be surprised at how much rewarding relationships will be.

We are here to serve you and we look forward to communicating with you. Give us a call, toll free at 888-9Statue (888.978.2883) or email us at We serve clients throughout the United States and other countries. Now, remember that good communication is a two-way street, so let's talk soon!

Share with us by emailing your thoughts to

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